The ONLAAH-Online
Learning on African Archaeology and Heritage project
The main objective of the project is to offer the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on African Archaeology and Heritage, accessible worldwide. MOOCs with a focus on African archaeology and heritage will be the first of a series of e-learning courses produced by the DAI. A coinciding platform will be created and subsequently available to all DAI departments and projects who want to offer their scientific content. This MOOC project will provide the possibility to a new generation of students, university teachers, administrative officials, and political decision makers from around the world to engage in the study of African Archaeology and protection of cultural heritage. DAI’s tradition and expertise in African Archaeology, due to decades of field research in many African countries, together with the digital resources resulting from those works will offer a unique vision of our research on the continent. The course will be accessible from anywhere with a simple internet connection and to those with a computer or mobile device (M-learning) and will allow our target audience of all ages from all over the world the chance to attain knowledge that was previously inaccessible to them. Capacity building is one of DAI’s major goals. Thus, our MOOC intends to empower its users by preparing them to work in their own countries for their own heritage. We also aim at creating a network of students and institutions (Universities, museums, research centers and others) in Africa and all over the world to establish new goals in African archaeology and heritage studies and protection. The focus will be on alternative non-European perspectives. In the future, the project will also develop the possibility of offering a Master’s Degree in Archaeology, formally awarded by a consortium of institutions including the ICArEHB (Algarve University, Portugal, Louisville University (United States), Neuchâtel University (Switzerland), and the DAI.


Project Coordinator, Teiduma, Consultancy on Heritage and Culture
Archaeologist, cultural heritage expert. Founder of Teiduma, Cultural Cooperation to Development,
a consultancy on heritage and culture. ICArHEB researcher for online-learning

Scientific Director – DAI
Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures Scientific Director