Day 48 The Budapest Research Unit

On 7 June 2016 the DAI’s Romano-Germanic Commission (RGK) opened a research unit at the Hungarian Acadamy of Sciences in Budapest.

Since it was founded the Romano-Germanic Commission has been closely involved in the Danubian area and especially in Hungary. Since the start of the new millennium these ties have been intensified by several field research projects. In view of its long-term activities in Hungary and south-east Europe, the RGK set up a research unit in Budapest in 2016 on the premises of the Institute of Archaeology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It is from there that the internationally acclaimed research project of Alsónyék-Sárköz is conducted. There the Neolithization process in Europe is being studied using the latest technologies. With colleagues in Hungary, the unit prepares publications – for example, on the Langobard-period grave field of Szólád – and develops new international projects. O

The Budapest research unit is based at the Hungarian Acadamy of Sciences (Photo: K. Oross)

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