The year it was founded, 1829, the DAI launched the following academic publications: Annali dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica, Bullettino degli Annali dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica, and Monumenti inediti. The series of three periodicals was not only forward-looking for its time, but also paved the way for the institute’s entire future publication strategy.
While the Monumenti contained elaborate drawings of previously unpublished works of art and architecture in large format and high-quality print, the Annali – annals – were conceived as a journal. In it, excavation results were reported on in detail, new finds were presented and objects in museums discussed, as were the works of art and architecture that were published in pictorial form in the Monumenti. The Bulletino, whose fascicles appeared in rapid succession, contained reports about the institute’s work and informed the scholarly community in brief about new discoveries – just as the DAI’s e-Forschungsberichte (research papers available online) do today!