Jörg Linstädter and the crew form MomentMal TV, in Mozambique. Décio Muianga fimlimg the movie regarding the Changalane project. Evening rest after a long day of work.
In June 2019 we head to Mozambique! Our team included MomentMal TV crew, Jörg Linstädter, archaeologist and scientific director of the Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures of the DAI, and Décio Muianga, lecturer and research assistant at the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, at Eduardo Mondlane University, in Maputo.
Jörg and Décio will explain one of our case studies regarding Mozambique, in this case, the project they are developing in the Changalane region.
Sabrina Stempfle, from Hamburg University and Sheila Machava from Eduardo Mondlane University, also joined us on the field. They will be responsible for our MOOC lesson on archaeometry, using the pottery collected in Changalane and afterwards using geochemical analysis methods in the laboratory in Hamburg.
The Changalane region. Surveing the area. Collecting pottery samples. Excavation area. During excavation work. The archaeological lab on Eduardo Mondlane University. Décio, Sabrina, Sheila and Jörg during lab work. Sabrina and Sheila, working together on their dissertations on the pottery of the Changalane region.
Sabrina and Sheila’s work is one of the many collaborations the DAI is currently developing in Mozambique, Iswatini and South Africa, bringing students from the different countries to work and learn together.
Sabrina and Sheila working on the materials from Changalane.
Author: Sofia Fonseca
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