After much hard work and dedication from all the participants involved in the execution of the online course on Archaeology and Heritage of Africa, we have some exciting news!
Our course has been launched by UAB-Coursera, and you can access it through the ONLAAH platform using this link: Course on Archaeology and Heritage of Africa – ONLAAH

This course is the result of a collaborative effort among 30 teachers, researchers, archaeologists, and heritage management specialists who have devoted their work to the archaeology and heritage of Africa. We will be forever grateful to each and every one of them:
Tilman Lenssen-Erz, Goodman Gwasira, Philipp von Rummel, Anneli Ekblom, Oriol Vicente Campos, Décio Muianga, Jörg Linstädter, Jordi Estevez Escalera, Michèle Dinies, Alexa Höhn, Roxane Matias, Ashton Sinamai, Friederike Jesse, Mussa Raja, Gothardine Garoes (Gwen), Martin Kehl, Alfons Uwuseb, Nuno Bicho, Sabrina Stempfle, Cláudia Umbelino, Gregor Baden, Sónia Gabriel, Stephan Schiffels, Tertius Oeamseb (Terry), João Cascalheira, Sofia Fonseca, Alma Nankela, Esther Gil Maña, Giacoma Petrullo, Johanna Sigl,

The course is divided into four modules that take you from an introductory module, pass through a second module dedicated to methodology, proceed to a third module on Heritage Management, and conclude with a final module containing case studies where the knowledge acquired during the course can be seen being applied in the field.
We hope you will join and enjoy the course learning together with students from around the world.
Let us know your thoughts and if you have any suggestions on subjects or on how to improve the course, please, let us know!
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