Welcome to TANA - TransArea Network Africa
The TransArea Network Africa (TANA) supports the exchange of all projects of the German Archaeological Institute working in Africa. TANA networks the numerous individual projects of different departments and commissions of the DAI among each other and with the respective African partners, generates synergy effects in science, protection of cultural assets and education, and in the presentation of our work to a broad public.
TANA News and Downloads

Read about the ninth yearly TransArea Network Africa meeting! It was held on the 21-24 November 2023 for the first time in Gotha in cooperation with with the Research College for Transcultural Studies at the University of Erfurt.

Learn more about TANA: Download our brochures! The 2022 edition provides information on current projects in/on Africa at the DAI.

Read about the 8th TANA meeting (24-27 February 2022) in Ghana, organised together with the University of Ghana, School of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies. Focus of the meeting was the archaeology and heritage of (German) colonialism in Africa.

Youtube link to public lecture (in German) by PD Dr. Jörg Linstädter on the German Archaeological Institute’s current projects on the African continent (Annual reception of the DAI on 11/05/2022, 6pm)