#Anthropology #Bioarchaeology #Archaeology#KörperUndTod

The DAI research cluster “Body and Death” was founded in 2021 with the aims of promoting
exchange between the various archaeological and anthropological disciplines concerned with the human body and establishing the body as a research topic. “Body and death” forms a cross -cutting theme for all research questions that deal with body-related practices and concepts, exploring sourcesthat allow reconstructing and interpreting the handling of both the living and the dead body. In additionto the human remains themselves, this includes written and pictorial sources as well as things closely related to the body (‘body – related things’) from ancient and contemporary societies all over the world.In three thematic sections and with broad disciplinary participation, the first annual conference of thecluster opens up the possibility of debating approaches to past concepts of the living as well as thedead body and of death.
In September 2022, the Human Bioarchaeology group of the DAI Berlin hosted the first international hybrid conference of the Cluster Body and Death of the DAI. Lectures on ancient and modern concepts of the body, dying and death. The participants met on the premises of the Freie Universität Berlin and the lively discussions were continued in the surrounding restaurants in the evening. As excursion a guided tour of the cemeteries at Hallesches Tor took place.
See information about the “Cluster 3: Körper und Tod” here.