On Tuesday, 11.05.2021 at 20:00 (19:00 CEST), our colleague Seçil Tezer-Altay together with the director of the Izmir Bergama Museum Nilgün Ustura will give a lecture on “Yerel Müzecilikte 120 Yıl – Bergama Müzesi Örneği” within the “ODTÜ Arkeoloji Müzesi Konuşmaları: Arkeoloji – Müze – Koruma” of the ODTÜ Archaeology Museum and TAÇDAM Centre for Research and Assement of Historical Enviroment.

The event will be held in Turkish online via Zoom https://zoom.us/j/96016937607?pwd=OEp4ak9ueXowWE5TOUdTREJ0Y2YyQT09