We ask for your understanding that, in view of the catastrophic earthquakes and the great suffering associated with them, we are postponing the lecture on 16 February. The lecture will be rescheduled for a later date.

The Sirkeli Höyük, located about 40km east of Adana on the Ceyhan River, is one of the largest Bronze and Iron Age ruin mounds in Cilician Plain, today’s Çukurova. The Turkish-Swiss research project, which has been in existence since 2012, was able to gain important insights into the structure and extent of the ancient settlement as well as its history using a combination of invasive and non-invasive methods. It became apparent that the actual mound had merely been the citadel of an extended, complex urban landscape that stretched on both sides of the river. The material remains to reflect the eventful cultural history not only of the site itself but of the entire region, which over time was known by the changing names of Kizzuwatna, Kawa, Hiyawa, Que, and Cilicia and played an important mediating role at the interface between Syro-Mesopotamia, Cyprus and Anatolia.

Sirkeli Höyük. Struktur und Dynamik einer antiken Stadtlandschaft im Ebenen Kilikien
Prof. Dr. Mirko Novák (BERN)