The Musée National du Tchad (Attribution & Copyright: C. Magnavita)
Ausstellungsankündigung: Lake Chad as a Crossroads im Musée National du Tchad
With generous funding from the Center for Interdisciplinary African Research (ZIAF, Goethe University Frankfurt) and the German Research Foundation (DFG), the project ‘The Lake Chad Region as a Crossroads‘ (P04) will host an exhibition on the new archaeological and historical results in the context of the known history of the Kanem-Borno Empire.
The exhibition, tentatively titled ‘Kanem-Borno : archéologie et histoire d’un empire africain millénaire‘, will open in December 2024 at the National Museum of Chad in N’Djamena under the patronage of the German Embassy and the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur. Scholars involved in the content of the exhibition include Carlos Magnavita, Richard Kuba and Cezary Szymanski (Frobenius Institute Frankfurt), Dangbet Zakinet, Djimet Guemona and Adoum Casimire (Université de N’Djamena/African Parks Tchad), Sonja Magnavita and Alexa Höhn (respectively projects Tracing connections – P13 – and Cultivated Landscapes – P05, Goethe University Frankfurt), and Philipp Holzmann and Michele Dinies (project DeGree – P06, FU Berlin).