On 04.06.–06.06.2021, the workshop “HİTİTLER BİR İMPARATORLUĞUN MİRASI. Kızılırmak Kavsi İçerisindeki Arkeolojik Kazı ve Araştırmalar Çalıştayı” will be held at the Hitit University of Çorum. This event can be seen live on the YouTube channel of Arkeolojihaber.
(Graphic: Hitit University)
Within these event our colleague Andreas Schachner will give a talk about “Hattuş’tan Hattuşa’ya: Hitit Başkentinin Oluşumuna Dair Yeni Bulgular”. The lectures will be held in Turkish and English.
For more information about the programme, download the attached file.