
The Selinos River in Pergamon. Investigating the Relations Between Urban Development, the Alteration of Natural Space and Changing River Dynamics

The Selinos River, now known as Bergama Çayı, plays a significant role in shaping the urban landscape of the city. This was highlighted at the annual TransPergMicro workshop, where the relationship between urban development, changes in natural space, and the river’s dynamics were analysed and discussed. The initial findings, presented in this blog post, will be incorporated into a TransPergMicro sub-project.


Alluvial fans and ‘chocolate bars’: Unveiling the sedimentary archives of the Pergamon Micro-Region

In exploring sedimentary profiles obtained by vibra-coring in the Bakırçay plain, our interdisciplinary fieldwork investigates the development of alluvial fans in the Pergamon micro-region. We aim to uncover the intricate interplay between sediment dynamics and historical settlement patterns. At the same time, our study of ‚chocolate bars‘ provides insights into ancient pottery production and highlights the relationship between human activity and the landscape in the Pergamon Micro-Region.