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Publikation: Spätholozäne Vegetationsänderungen im südlichen Tschadbecken, Nigeria

The development of cultivated landscapes under the influence of food production has decisively shaped the composition and appearance of West African savannas as present today. With trees and shrubs forming an important constituent of such landscapes, and its composition characterizing different types of land-use, anthracology is a tool particularly well suited to trace developments and changes through human exploitation of the landscape. [...]
Open post

Beitrag von C. Magnavita zum Zentralsudan im Oxford handbook of Islamic Archaeology

In view of the paucity of research, the Islamic archaeology of the Central Sudan and Sahel remains one of the less well known of the African continent. While this also applies to the material legacy of the past six centuries, it is particularly sites and remains from the early period of Islamic influence in the region that are virtually unexplored. [...]
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